
  • No on 2066 participates in Seattle Channel debate

    No on 2066 participates in Seattle Channel debate

    Jason Lear, principal at batt + lear (a design build company that has been dedicated to sustainable new buildings and remodels for 25 years), and Leah Missik, with the No on 2066 campaign, participated in a Seattle Channel debate on Initiative 2066, which would drive up costs and roll back the clock on energy efficiency. […]

  • Broad coalition unites for “No on Initiative 2066” campaign

    Broad coalition unites for “No on Initiative 2066” campaign

    Today over 90 public interest groups, affordable housing advocates, health care experts, and small businesses from across the state launched the “No on I-2066” campaign to urge Washington voters to defeat I-2066.  The Statewide Poverty Action Network, American Federation of Teachers Washington, SEIU 925, and King County Medical Society are among the ever-growing list of groups calling on voters to vote No on I-2066…